Welcome to the home away from homepage of

Joseph S. Wisniewski and Christine Fleischer

A webpage that pushes "unfinished" to the limit!

Currently up and running (or at least walking)

Joe's Photography resources (now with the Digital Lens FAQ)
Joe's little pBase gallery
The M-Plate Hall of Shame

Still to come (but worth the wait):

Joe & Chris's handblown glass
Joe's flute book and flute plans for download
Joe's freeware
Chris's David Bowie pages
Chris's RLS (restless leg syndrome) resources
Chris's 100 reasons to not be a nurse
God only knows what else from Chris
And a big pile of links to photography, flutes, recorders, glass, Poser 3d, and speech recognition stuff.

About - What the heck is a "Swiss Army Fork", anyway?

Last updated 8/22/2003